Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sights of Soroti

Driving into Soroti. Yellow building is the internet cafe, where we post all our blogs!

Entering IDP (Internally Displaced People's Camp) in Soroti... less than a thousand people remaining

IDP market. Here they are selling "fat ladies". Not quite sure what they are...

Refugee child that followed us around all morning. Even the little ones carry children on their backs. It is likely that the mother has died and she has taken on the role. When she placed the baby elsewhere, she climbed on my lap... seemed like she needed a little loving as well.

Always a crowd of young children following the Mzungu's (white people)

Soroti Rock... not allowed to be climbed but...

we did anyways and enjoyed a beautiful sunrise!

Soroti waking up to the early morning... our view while we prayed for the city

Sunset near where we are staying.

Sugar cane!

Fabric Land at the village market... just down the road from Soroti

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