Friday, February 6, 2009

Pastor Profiles soon to follow

Since I have arrived in Soroti and have been thinking about how best to prepare for my teaching and discipleship, I have been more and more convicted of my need to first learn what the situation really is like here. I want to know what I am getting myself into- in regards to what the true needs, questions, concerns, joys, struggles are of the people here. So part of my focus has been to meet and get to know the local pastors.

Recently I had the idea- why don’t I record interviews with several pastors, and use that as a way to discern the landscape here. So what will soon follow are the fruit of my various interviews I have done. They are recorded conversations between the pastor and I, in which I have asked about their testimony, their call the pastorate, and what the life and ministry of a Pastor in Soroti is like. They really have their thumb on the pulse here.

These are resources not only for me, but also, I hope, blessings to you- insight into the joys and struggles here, prayer requests, etc. They really have much wisdom and passion to be shared.

Please read on and if you would like an audio copy of an the interview email me.

~peace be with you,

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey guys -
It's so great to be able to read updates already of your time in Soroti! The pictures are BEAUTIFUL!! Keep posting - I am reading your updates!!

Miss you guys,