Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pastor Profile - Bishop George Edweu

Meet Bishop George Edweu, a pastor and national overseer of Pentecostal Upright Ministries.

George, who was one of the first pastors that I interviewed in the beginning of my time here, is now a close friend to Sarah and I, and a fellow leader of the Team Beyond Teaching Ministry Team here. I still remember after my short interview, Pst. George offered himself and any help he could give to see this ministry established and running. So far, he has been a right hand man, advisor, teacher, and friend. Just sit down with this man and you’ll experience wonderful hospitality, a big, bright smile, hearty laughter, sharp intelligence, and great conversation.

Having worked with many ‘mzungus’ George has helped us to be aware of the many cultural differences and to keep us from potentially embarrassing or hurtful mistakes- from not leaving a host’s place until you have received their permission to proper procedures of working with Soroti pastors.

Well, to help you understand this man a bit more, I’ll share with you part of his interview in paraphrased form. Again, please feel free to use this to help in your prayer for these pastors here and also to email me any questions or encouragement you might have for Pst. George.

Like many Ugandans, George came to know Christ through a fiery evangelist. It was the year 1977, and the evangelist came to his village and preached from Revelation 9, on the locusts that will torment the unbelievers. Frightened, like many of us would be, George asked how to be saved from such a torture, then knelt down and was prayed for. This experience and passage has remained deep in him and is still very fresh.

In George’s village there was a discipleship trainer who raised him up in the Lord and taught him to pray, read, preach, and use quiet time. At age 18, George received a prophecy that God had called him to be a pastor. Soon visions of him in preaching in front of many people, counseling, and visiting people followed. This was quite new and strange to George but his pastor confirmed this calling.

Like many pastors, George tried to avoid this difficult calling and travelled to Kampala and found work to support himself with. But soon the visions returned along with a deep restlessness, used by God to bring George back to his calling. He came back to Soroti and enrolled in Vision Bible College for a 1 year certificate in theology. The time in the college was very demanding, causing several students to drop out. The principal who soon invited George to be his assistant involved the students in prayer outings of 3-40 days and evangelistic campaigns where they had no funding, only faith… George remained under this principal for 5 years deeply shaped by this man in all the areas of pastoring.

Fast forward to the present day, his present church and the present situation of pastoring in Soroti… Bishop George has been pastoring for 15 years now. When asked about the challenges that he faces he named what most pastors here face—financial support. Devoting so much of his time to pastoral work, he has little time to spend working, and the congregation gives very little. Not to mention that out of that very little, pastors only take 10%... He also faces the challenge having few workers in the ministry with so many in need of discipleship.

What brings George deep joy as a pastor is to see believers come to maturity in Christ, catching the vision and mission of Jesus and taking seriously their callings. Also, George has a heart to see many come to Christ, and more churches established.

When asked about how the African church can bless the world, he responded saying that Africa has the best preachers. Also, here the Gospel is fresh; untainted with subtle heresies and lies. He referred to the prophecy that Africa is being called to rise up and to bring revival to the world, mentioning that God has great plans to use the African church to do much work.

Pst. George asked for prayer in the areas of financial support and further church leadership training. Please join us in our prayers for these men of God as they serve Christ in Soroti and beyond

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