Friday, February 6, 2009

No history books, just painted rocks

While waiting in Kumi (nearby town) for a police report for the car that Bill and his friends totalled, we stole off down the road to check out a recent heritage site: Nyero Painted Rocks. Apparently they are thousands of years old, but no one is quite sure. We had a local take us through the 3 different sites. It's too bad that these sites are not being preserved as well as they could be, as one site was semi destroyed when the LRA camped out in this area and another one is being slowly washed away by the rain. The locales here continue to celebrate their heritage and took great pride in telling us the varied meanings of each painting.
Painting #1
Inside the cave where painting #1 is... this is where LRA rebels would come to camp when they were in the area.

Tim and Jo with our tour guide... a 70 year old Ugandan who was featured in the book "The Eye of the Storm", if anyone has heard of it...

Painting #2: a high stone wall

These are the paintings that are being slowly washed away by rain

No need for dryers here in this warm climate

The boulders are the mountains here

Painting #3: Inside a cave

View from inside the cave

What happens when you breed a cactus with a tree?

Overall, a good visit.

While waiting in Kumi (nearby town) for a police report for the car that Bill and his friends totalled, we stole off down the road to check out a recent heritage site: Nyero Painted Rocks. Apparently they are thousands of years old, but no one is quite sure. We had a local take us through the 3 different sites. It's too bad that these sites are not being preserved as well as they could be, as one site was semi destroyed when the LRA camped out in this area and another one is being slowly washed away by the rain. The locales here continue to celebrate their heritage and took great pride in telling us the varied meanings of each painting...

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