Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Karamoja school... this is where we had church
Always lots of children... poking their heads in during the church service

Our translator Betty... along with our American friends Ben, Christina and Jennifer. Aparently when visiting churches, we're expected to either preach or sing. So far we've opted to share songs. :)

Entering the camp...

Sunday is the day for their traditional singing and dancing. They were praising the cows.
The whole they usually gather water from. It's been dry since November.

Drying sorgum

The inside of a hut

Looking out the window of the hut


Anonymous said...

WOW! It is so great to see pictures. It gives me an idea of what you are experiencing. Although I don't think that I can really fathom it.
God bless both of you!

Seth and I send our love!

Jeff said...

In one picture it shows a bunch of kids peering into the church. Are they allowed in? By the way, the pictures are very helpful to get a better image of what things are like. Is there a picture of where you are staying?
God Bless!
-- Jeff